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An interactive object that allows one to use their hand gestures to manipulate a visual.

Primary aim was to allow the audience to follow my speculation, a future where the act of crafting beings and materials from advanced realms will be as effortless as a mere gesture of one’s hands.




Naamyaati is an urdu word that means “organic matter”. A machine that talks to organic systems(humans).

In a future where machines are becoming more fluid, flexible and powerful, this machine is a tool that transforms the fundamental nature of human biology. Transcending the human form to an elevated transhuman state.

The input from hand gestures alters the visuals in real-time, while the button inputs on the machine allow you to cycle through four stages that represent the evolution of organic matter after merging with intelligent machines.


Naamyaati Machine is an audio-visual experience that consists of a cube (modulator) and an input keyboard device placed on a pedestal ultimately connected to a display screen/projector.

Naamyaati Machine is an audio-visual experience that consists of a cube (modulator) and an input keyboard device placed on a pedestal ultimately connected to a display screen/projector.

Screenshot 2023-11-07 at 3.11.00 PM.png

ConfigSketch_NaamyaatiMachine, 2023

Screenshot 2023-10-24 at 2.37.06 PM.png

MaxPatch_NaamyaatiMachine, 2023

2 ultrasonic sensors are housed within this box which is then connected to an arduino board that transmits data to the audio-visual experience.


The arduino has been programmed to react to the proximity of the user's hand-movement. Programming the Arduino Uno to connect to proximity sensors (HC-SRO4) that takes numbers as data for further processing.

2 ultrasonic sensors are housed within this box which is then connected to an arduino board that transmits data to the audio-visual experience.


The arduino has been programmed to react to the proximity of the user's hand-movement. Programming the Arduino Uno to connect to proximity sensors (HC-SRO4) that takes numbers as data for further processing.


Naamyaati Machine was set up for the first time in the Fresh Media show at the Boston Cyberarts Gallery in 2023.

It was an integral part of my solo show, Material Nature in October 2023.

Naamyaati Machine is currently on display at the Massart x SoWa Design Biennial 2023. 

Data from the gestures is transmitted simultaneously to a MaxPatch for audio and Touchdesigner for visuals.

NaamyaatiMachine_MaterialNature, Godine Gallery, 2023

NaamyaatiMachine_MaterialNature, Godine Gallery, 2023

NaamyaatiMachine_DesignBiennial, MassartxSoWa, 2023


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